It’s hard to find words to describe this magnificent place, located at the end of Agelliana village, 18 Km south-east of Rethimno town.
It is not only the honest, friendly, relaxing mood of Vasilis and Maria. It is not just the delicious food made by Maria and supervised by Mrs. (=Kira) Konstantina – Vasilis’ mother. The tavern is just a part of the land and the few very aesthetic rooms for rent in this big farm with the great view to the North Coast of Rethimno. Probably this is what was in the mind of those who inspired and start planning the idea of Agro tourism (most of the products are cultured in the farm by biological methods).
However, it must be something beyond the wish of Vasilis to inform you about all the nice places you can visit around (like Margarites village) and beyond all these. Probably it has to do with the general atmosphere that makes anybody feel that he is a friend and not a client (especially if Vasilis is in the mood to sing and play authentic Cretan music).